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    Is flying dangerous?

    Man has been attracted to flying ever since he first became aware of it. He…

    Nov 19, 202339312 min read

    9 things airlines don’t talk about

    Statistics show that flying is still the safest form of transport, but is it really…

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    5 misconceptions about Tenerife

    Please forget everything you’ve heard about Tenerife for a few minutes and let me tell…

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    Shopping around the world

    Everyone has different motivations when moving abroad. Some people are attracted by the lifestyle of…

    Sep 14, 202347011 min read

    What is the average home loan in Australia?

    Australia is known for its good quality of life, but when it comes to living…

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    Australia enhances integrity of its international edu sector

    The Australian government has announced a package of measures to strengthen integrity in the international…

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    The world’s largest LEGO store is opening in Sydney!

    Great news, that will surely excite enthusiasts and casual fans alike. Sydney will soon be…

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    The world’s most liveable cities in 2023

    Every year, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) compiles a list of the world’s most liveable…

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    Changes to the Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa

    The Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa (SMCRV) is a visa that allows skilled migrants to…

    Aug 14, 20235169 min read

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