5 strange things that can only happen in Canada
From ketchup-covered crisps to maple syrup delicacies rolled in snow, Canadians don’t shy away from the unusual. They’re a huge multicultural country, so it’s no surprise that they have quite a variety of customs, foods and events.
written by: BOGI – Continent Surfer
Let’s see some of the strangest ones!
The bagged milk
This Canadian trend started with a company called DuPont, which introduced thin plastic bags for storing and selling milk in 1967. Why? Cost-effectiveness, economy.

They love mac & cheese
Kraft Dinner’s amazing product is eaten 55% more than Americans every year in Canada! Canadians buy 1.7 million of the 7 million boxes sold each week worldwide.

Santa Claus officially lives there
Forget what you’ve heard so far. Santa Claus exists and lives in Canada. Or at least his address is there, if you write him a letter at Christmas, that’s where he’ll land! St. Nicholas’ official address in the North Pole (postal code of course: HOH OHO) is owned by Canada Post.

The ice hotel
There really is no cooler place in Canada than the incredible Hôtel de Glacé in Quebec. The complex and its infrastructure include an ice slide, an outdoor spa and sauna, and over 30 000 tonnes of snow and 500 tonnes of ice. Structurally and visually stunning, boot-list suspect!

Bathtub races
Yes, you read that right, bathtub races. People might expect Canadians to race moose and beavers against each other, but what can you do – they use bathtubs as race cars. The tradition dates back to 1967, with the first one in Nanaimo, BC. People didn’t want to just throw out their old tubs, so they turned them into race cars instead. The race is part of the weekend-long Nanaimo Marine Festival, held every summer.

Want to study and work in Canada? Maybe you want to settle in Canada? Would you like to travel and have an adventure in this exotic and diverse landscape?
Liza is here to help!
Did you know?
A country that loves ketchup so much, it’s made it into chips. The best ketchup chips are made by Lay’s and sold only in Canada. Anyone who grew up in Canada remembers fingers covered in red ketchup spice that smelled like ketchup for days after an eve of chips.

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Original article: 5 furcsa dolog, ami csak Kanadában történhet meg Translated by: BOGI – CONTINENT SURFER
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