Time and information are money
We have heard this phrase, or even similar phrases, many times. Now we will tell you what it means for us. All these concepts, time, information and money, are the defining elements of our lives, the units of measurement, if you like. In many ways they are similar and in many ways they are different.
written by: Reka Paulikovics
The fact is that these three things should in no way be separated from each other, or treated entirely separately – at least not in this article. Let’s see what we mean!
What is information?
Information is a Latin word meaning information, news, message, information. It is also the basic concept of information technology. It has many meanings and explanations, and is approached and described in different ways by different disciplines, but there is no clearly accepted definition, as it means different things to different people. Generally speaking, information is data or news that is relevant to us (!) and that reduces the knowledge gap. One of the simplest formulations is that information is a reflection of reality (or part of it), because we may not know something, but someone else may.

Okay, then what about time?
In our everyday lives, time refers to our perception of a seemingly continuous sequence of events. Subjective time, the individual’s internal perception of time, is linked to events and happenings. This time is never uniform, its duration depends on the age of the individual and, above all, on the personal significance and circumstances of the events. Time is not visible; it cannot be perceived by the senses.
Throughout the history of mankind, concepts of what time is have changed considerably, in line with the major changes in reality and in ideas in different cultures and ages. In addition, it has been observed that thinkers of different eras and everyday people have often held different views of time and progress, which have influenced each other. It should also be mentioned here that in the twentieth century the development of psychoanalysis and psychology has brought new elements to this issue, which have sharpened the debate that has been going on for centuries in all disciplines. The question is whether time is a fundamental property of the universe or simply a product of our mental observation, or perception. If we take all this into account, we can say that time is therefore a concept for measuring change.

Last but not least, let us look at the concept of money
Money is any object of definite value which is used in commerce for a shorter or longer period of time as a permanent means of payment, the transfer of which is used to buy things. Money is necessarily a medium of exchange, i.e., an amount of money equal to the price (value – this will be of great importance later) of a thing can be exchanged for it in a given market. Money is what the market accepts as money. Modern money (like ancient money) is essentially a trust agreement between people. It has no physical value, only symbolic value, and only the trust of people gives it value. Isn’t this a very different approach from what we thought?

And how do these three things relate to Continent Surfer?
Our mission is to help. For people who are planning a trip abroad or want to move to another country. We are here to get and pass on information to those who contact us. We invest time and energy in helping people to find their true motivation, learn to speak a foreign language, travel safely and achieve their dreams.
Yes, at first many people will probably think “but a visa is the same for everyone” or “teaching a language in every class is the same”. This is far from being the case, as each person comes to us with different backgrounds, different financial means, different desires and dreams, different ideas.
Just think about it!
You spend time at work (or with your job, depending on who is doing what), exchanging information with your colleagues, your partners, your clients. And that’s what you get your salary or benefits for. Your working time has a monetary value. After all, no one works for free. You don’t learn and develop and go to work every day to earn a penny. (Of course, volunteering is different, but that’s a topic for another post.)
We all know that our time and the knowledge we have has value. It is another thing that many people are not aware of their own value, of what their work is worth in monetary terms. And we are not talking here about hours, but about the work done, the attitude. The writer of these lines, for example, had to change jobs to realise how much more the work he was doing was worth, than he thought it was. I was working at least twice as much as my colleagues, and with great enthusiasm, for half the pay. It was interesting to realise that, and I loved my job, but I knew I had no chance of being appreciated there. So, I moved on, and now I’m giving myself more and more credit because I realise I’m valuable.
The amount you pay for a product or a service (someone’s work) shows how much time and effort they have invested in making sure you get all the information you need, thanks to their expertise, enthusiasm and helpfulness. At the hairdresser’s, you’re not just paying for the dye, you’re also paying for the hairdresser’s expertise and time. This is often something we don’t even think about when we get an appointment at six in the morning. At the grocery store, you don’t pay for the bread, but for the work and time of the farmer who grows the wheat, the miller, the baker and the salesman. When you pay your phone bill, you are paying for the fact that you can call your loved ones on the other side of the world at any time and there is a company who will provide that for you because they have invested the time and effort to make it happen. Do you see the connection now? And the relationship between value and price?
We, the team and partners at Continent Surfer, spend our time, often on weekends and even at night, helping you. To give you all the information you need to make the right decision. We will help you to feel safe, to have all the knowledge you need, to be confident, to make your dreams come true, to know that your time and your knowledge are valuable.
Meet the team!
From our own experience, we think it is essential to give you the opportunity to find out as much information as possible about a country before you move or travel there, so that you are not surprised! Our cooperation with our service partners is constantly monitored, and we try to work hand in hand with them to provide the best service.
We are constantly building new partnerships around the world, and our team is working tirelessly to help both those who want to move abroad and those who already took the leap. Our aim is never to encourage anyone to leave their home country! But if you are determined to do so, whatever your goal is, let us help you by giving you an accurate picture of the daily life in your destination country, so that when you arrive there, you won’t be left with an ‘overwhelming package’ and you won’t really be in for any unpleasant surprises!
Did you know?
Every person on Earth is living in the past. This may sound like the plot to some sci-fi, time-travel thriller, but it’s actually a fact of human biology and the trickiness of time. Our brains don’t perceive events until about 80 milliseconds until after they’ve happened. This fine line between the present and the past is part of the reason why some physicists argue that there’s no such thing as “now” and that the present moment is no more than an illusion.

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Original article: Az idő és az információ pénz. Translated by: BOGI – CONTINENT SURFER
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