Outstanding services for You!

Even short travel, let alone moving abroad, has its unique set of challenges and frustrations. Be prepared and collect all the information from authoritative sources, so you will be completely clear on your possibilities. Find the right professionals to help you on your journey and fulfill your dreams, losing the frustrating bits from the path getting you there.

Travel Visas

Things To Do

Online Learning

Our mission

It’s important to stress that Continent Surfer is NOT about encouraging people to leave their home country and go abroad. Our mission is to help anyone who decides they want to move abroad. We believe that people should have the best insight into the country before they take this huge step – and our partners are here to help them take it. We strive to ensure that NO MISTAKES ARE MADE!

Want to know more about us? Where did the idea for Continent Surfer come from? What are our goals? Click here!

From our own experience, we think it is essential to give you the opportunity to find out as much information as possible about a country before you move or travel there, so that you are not surprised! Our cooperation with our service partners is constantly monitored, and we try to work hand in hand with them to provide the best service. We are constantly building new partnerships around the world, and our team is working tirelessly to help both those who want to move abroad and those who already took the leap. Our aim is never to encourage anyone to leave their home country! But if you are determined to do so, whatever your goal is, let us help you by giving you an accurate picture of the daily life in your destination country, so that when you arrive there, you won’t be left with an ‘overwhelming package’ and you won’t really be in for any unpleasant surprises! Unity is strength!

Planning, organizing and implementing!

That’s what we can help you with!