Continent Surfer | Whether you are single or in a's all about orgasm! - Continent Surfer
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  • Clitoral awareness, orgasm gap, the origins of the orgasm day... WITH MORE ORGASM for a safer and happier world?!

Whether you are single or in a relationship…it’s all about orgasm!

I could say everyone should have sex on such a significant day….but I cannot think only of those in a relationship or have a partner to cuddle up with today.

It would make single people feel a little bad or those who are far away from their partner. Not to mention those who have never experienced the pleasure of a real orgasm…

Written by: Niki – Continent Surfer

By the way you might not even feel like having sex today, I’m not saying you should force reaching the top of the mountain, forcing to have orgasm, but it is definately worth to think again! After all it is a day of celebration so I would say, give it a go, reach orgasm and conquer the world! 😉


If you feel like it and you have a partner, then go ahead and make love! But it will not always lead to something pleasurable if you get too hung up on reaching orgasm!

Clitoral awareness, orgasm gap, the origins of the orgasm day... WITH MORE ORGASM for a safer and happier world?!

Spending the day alone? That’s okay, too! After all, they always say nowadays that we have to take care of ourselves, both physically and mentally for our own well-being. So to feel good, orgasms should not be expected (only) from a partner. Masturbation is still considered taboo, especially when it comes to women. Men take it for granted and masturbating is completely normal for them. However, we can agree that more women should be aware and consider that it is not a crime to enjoy themselves!


Don’t hold back! Get in the mood, watch yourself, listen to your own thoughts so you can enjoy a little time alone.

August 8, the International Day of Female Orgasms

According to some, this holiday was created in 2006 by Donna Sheehan and Paul Reffell, two peace activists, who believed “that more positive thoughts combined with near-simultaneous sexual pleasure can shift the energies of the earth and thereby reduce dangerous levels of aggression and violence” – simply because more orgasms can make people happier and less violent.

Others say that this day was originated in South America, where the idea came from a 2007 initiative by a city councilman, Arimateo Dantas, who wanted to encourage local husbands to satisfy their wives. He admitted that he also had a “sexual debt” to repay to his wife. The campaign achieved its main goal in Brazil successfully: to raise awareness about female orgasm, the female body and the importance of sex education. Eventually it quickly spread abroad. Today, many countries celebrate this day of female orgasm.

Today, the main goal of celebrating this day is to raise public awareness of a problem that affects many women and, along with their married life, their partners: dysorgasmia (lack of orgasm during sex) and anorgasmia. Of course, the lack of orgasm affects women much more than men.

According to some studies and U.S. researcher Kim Wallen, “if a woman has difficulty or no orgasm during sex, it may be because the clitoris is too far from the vaginal entrance.” Apparently it’s best if the distance is within two and a half centimeters 😉

Gender orgasm gap

Antoni Rita mentions this ‘new kind of term’ (orgasm gap) in one of her articles. This term was inspired by the gender-wage gap and comes from a professor at the University of Florida, Dr Laurie Mintz, who has also written a book on the importance of clitoral awareness (‘cliteracy’) to tackle the problem.

The results of the studies that time clearly showed that women’s chances of having regular orgasms were increased by general satisfaction with their relationship, open communication about sex, even during sex, and acting out fantasies, kissing, and stimulating the genitals with hands or tongues. Well, I believe that you do not need nuclear physics to make the clitoris ‘work’, but a woman should certainly get to know her own body and talk about her desires with her partner so that they can “learn” how to satisfy each other.

Let’s face it, quite a lot of women fake orgasms in too many cases. Sometimes it’s funny and also sad to read stories about this topic, even though by their very own admission, 75% of women have a variety of pleasure-inducing masturbatory tools at home. For some reasons, not everyone uses these with their partner.

Get in the mood!

How to get more sex? Some people are into porn, but if you want to stay on the more romantic side, a little snacking and cooking can go a long way getting you in the mood for sex. Among other things, e.g. lean meat, oysters, seafood, fish oil, chilli and dark chocolate. If you include these ingredients in your recipe, you can sufficiently boost libido and pave the way for an intense and orgasmic intercourse. But be careful with carbohydrates and caffeine, you can easily achieve the opposite and be completely put off!

Clitoral awareness, orgasm gap, the origins of the orgasm day... WITH MORE ORGASM for a safer and happier world?!

Either way, orgasm has many benefits for your body and soul. Celebrate International Day of Orgasm today with this in mind, whether you are alone or with a partner, the goal is an ultimate satisfaction. Orgasm on!

Did you know?

  • It is estimated that more than two and a half billion orgasms are experienced by men and women around the world every day. That’s over one hundred million orgasms every hour, or one and a half million orgasms in every minute!
  • Orgasms relieve pain, at least in the short term. It produces the hormone oxytocin, which relaxes the body and allows for a much deeper and more restful night’s sleep. Sex even raises your pain threshold by an average of 75 percent, according to a U.S. study.
  • WANT A LONGER LASTING ORGASM? For men, an orgasm can last anywhere from 3 to 12 seconds. For someone to extend their orgasm to an average of ten seconds, they need to practice regularly and use breathing techniques. Women can surf the waves of pleasure for up to half a minute.
  • Interesting enough, pigs can have orgasm for up to 30 minutes!

All that’s left is to wish you an orgasm-rich day!


Yes, there is such a person, called ‘orgasm coach’. She can support and lead you to quite a lot of unexpected success. Our expert, Andrea says that disharmony with your body and sexuality can have an incredibly huge impact on all other areas of life. If you want to experience orgasm and forget about challenging times, finally letting go of the burden you’ve been carrying for so long, contact her now! You will surely be able to enjoy life to the fullest, Andrea can be your best possible support. Contact her and discover what you are truly capable of! >>>

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The international day of orgasm

Internation day of female orgasm

Interesting facts about orgasm

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