Continent Surfer | 12 things you didn't know about the French Foreign Legion
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  • WANT TO serve in a French foreign legion? Then read this article first. Good to know! No surprises! This is REAL LIFE and not a VIRTUAL GAME!
14 July 2023

12 things you didn’t know about the French Foreign Legion

This is reality and not a virtual game! For many people it is a dream to serve in the French Foreign Legion! Have you thought about it? Could you imagine it? A good article that might be interesting for you!

written by: Szilvia- Continent Surfer

Here is a story about the French Foreign Legion

The young man stood in front of the recruiting office, his heart pounding in his chest. He had come a long way to this moment, and he knew that there was no turning back. He had left his home and family behind, and he had burned his bridges with his past. He was starting over, and he was doing it with the French Foreign Legion.

The Legion was a place for men who had nowhere else to go. It was a place for men who wanted to start over, a place for men who wanted to fight. The young man knew that the Legion would be hard, but he was determined to succeed. He wanted to be a legionnaire, and he was willing to do whatever it took.

He entered the recruiting office and was greeted by a stern-faced sergeant. The sergeant asked him his name and why he wanted to join the Legion. The young man told the sergeant his story, and the sergeant listened patiently. When the young man was finished, the sergeant nodded.

“You’re in,” the sergeant said. “Welcome to the French Foreign Legion.”

The young man was overjoyed. He had finally found a place where he belonged. He was a legionnaire now, and he was ready to fight.

The young man went through basic training, and it was everything he had expected and more. The training was hard, but he persevered. He learned how to shoot, how to march, how to fight, and how to survive in the harshest conditions.

After basic training, the young man was assigned to a legionnaire regiment. He was deployed to Africa, where he fought in the French-Algerian War. The war was long and bloody, but the young man fought bravely. He earned the respect of his fellow legionnaires, and he was promoted to sergeant.

The young man served in the Legion for many years. He fought in many battles, and he saw many friends die. But he also saw the Legionnaires’ incredible courage and determination. He learned that the Legion was a brotherhood, a family, and he was proud to be a part of it.

After many years, the young man retired from the Legion. He returned to his home country, where he started a new life. He never forgot his time in the Legion, and he always cherished the memories of his fellow legionnaires.

The young man’s story is just one of many stories about the French Foreign Legion. The Legion is a place where men from all over the world come together to fight. They are a brotherhood, a family, and they are willing to do whatever it takes to protect each other. The French Foreign Legion is a unique and special place, and it is a place where men can find a new beginning.

12 things you didn’t know about the French Foreign Legion

  •  It was founded in 1831. The French Foreign Legion is a military unit of the French Armed Forces. It was founded in 1831 by King Louis-Philippe I to provide a way for foreigners to serve in the French military.
  • It is open to all nationalities. The French Foreign Legion is open to all nationalities, regardless of their past or present legal status. This has made it an attractive option for people who are seeking a new start in life.
  • It has a strict recruitment process. The recruitment process for the French Foreign Legion is very strict. Applicants must pass a physical exam, an interview, and a background check. They must also be willing to give up their previous identity and start a new life in the Legion.
  • It is a demanding military unit. The French Foreign Legion is a demanding military unit. Members of the Legion must be physically fit and mentally tough. They must be willing to follow orders and to work as part of a team.
  • It has a long and distinguished history. The French Foreign Legion has a long and distinguished history. It has fought in many of France’s wars, including the Crimean War, the Franco-Prussian War, World War I, World War II, the Algerian War, and the War in Afghanistan.
  • It is a symbol of adventure and excitement. The French Foreign Legion is often seen as a symbol of adventure and excitement. This is due in part to its history and its reputation for being a tough and demanding unit.
  • It is not a way to get French citizenship. Contrary to popular belief, joining the French Foreign Legion is not a way to get French citizenship. In order to become a French citizen through the Legion, you must serve for at least five years and have a clean disciplinary record.
  • It is a way to start a new life. For many people, joining the French Foreign Legion is a way to start a new life. The Legion offers a new identity, a new home, and a new purpose.
  • It is not for everyone. The French Foreign Legion is not for everyone. It is a demanding military unit that requires a lot of physical and mental toughness. If you are not prepared for the challenges, you will not succeed.
  • It is a dangerous job. The French Foreign Legion is a dangerous job. Members of the Legion have been killed in action in many of France’s wars.
  • It is a rewarding experience. Despite the dangers, many people who have served in the French Foreign Legion say that it was a rewarding experience. They say that they learned a lot about themselves and that they made lifelong friends.
  • It is a unique opportunity. The French Foreign Legion is a unique opportunity to serve in a demanding military unit and to experience a different culture. If you are looking for an adventure, the Legion may be the right choice for you.

Here are some interesting facts about the French Foreign Legion today

  • The Legion has over 8,000 members from over 130 countries.
  • The Legion is headquartered in Aubagne, France.
  • The Legion’s motto is “Honneur et Fidélité” (Honor and Fidelity).
  • The Legion’s uniform includes a distinctive green beret.
  • The Legion has a strict code of discipline.
  • Members of the Legion can be punished severely for breaking the rules.
  • The Legion has been involved in many conflicts, including the Crimean War, the Franco-Prussian War, World War I, World War II, the Algerian War, and the War in Afghanistan.
  • The Legion is also used for peacekeeping and humanitarian missions.


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