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Continent Surfer


INTERESTED in living in Malta, on the island of Gozo? What are the locals like and how is waking up next to the sea? Read more!

A year abroad – what is enough and what is not? – (part 2)

INTERESTED in living in Malta, on the island of Gozo? What are the locals like and how is waking up next to the sea? Read more!
WOULD you move abroad? If you're taking the family with you, Gozo, Malta's little brother, could be the perfect choice for you!

A year abroad – what is enough and what is not? – (part 1)

WOULD you move abroad? If you're taking the family with you, Gozo, Malta's little brother, could be the perfect choice for you!
MAN has been attracted to flying ever since he first became aware of it. Is this your way of travelling too? Here is a little insight!
19 November 2023

Is flying dangerous?

MAN has been attracted to flying ever since he first became aware of it. Is this your way of travelling too? Here is a little insight!
Is FLYING the safest way to travel? Overbooking, lack of life jackets, oxygen masks, how do pilots land? Read more!
12 November 2023

9 things airlines don’t talk about

Is FLYING the safest way to travel? Overbooking, lack of life jackets, oxygen masks, how do pilots land? Read more!
FORGET everything you've heard about Tenerife! Are you curious what's new? Are you interested in travelling or moving to the island? Read more!

5 misconceptions about Tenerife

FORGET everything you've heard about Tenerife! Are you curious what's new? Are you interested in travelling or moving to the island? Read more!
It is VERY IMPORTANT how much we spend on our everyday life. Let's do shopping around the world! Are you curious about what we found out?

Shopping around the world

It is VERY IMPORTANT how much we spend on our everyday life. Let's do shopping around the world! Are you curious about what we found out?
Australia is known for its good quality life, but living cost can be pretty crazy. Would you BUY A HOME DOWN UNDER?
11 September 2023

What is the average home loan in Australia?

Australia is known for its good quality life, but living cost can be pretty crazy. Would you BUY A HOME DOWN UNDER?
Do you love LEGO? You will soon find the biggest LEGO store of the world in Sydney, Australia!
28 August 2023

The world’s largest LEGO store is opening in Sydney!

Do you love LEGO? You will soon find the biggest LEGO store of the world in Sydney, Australia!
TRAVEL, learn, settle in one of the world's most liveable cities? Click to find out where to move next to make the most out of life!

The world’s most liveable cities in 2023

TRAVEL, learn, settle in one of the world's most liveable cities? Click to find out where to move next to make the most out of life!
Clitoral awareness, orgasm gap, the origins of the orgasm day... WITH MORE ORGASM for a safer and happier world?!

Whether you are single or in a relationship…it’s all about orgasm!

Clitoral awareness, orgasm gap, the origins of the orgasm day... WITH MORE ORGASM for a safer and happier world?!