Continent Surfer | IELTS exam - Continent Surfer
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  • IELTS language exam lets you to work and study in over 140 countries worldwide! TAKE A FREE ASSESSMENT!

IELTS exam

An IELTS language test certificate can open up mass opportunities around the globe! If you plan to study, work and live abroad, then this English language exam will be essential in order to achieve your dreams! Test your level here and now for free!

written by: Niki – CONTINENT SURFER


IELTS is an English language exam. This certificate is widely accepted for study, work and visa purposes in more than 140 countries wordwide. With an IELTS language certificate under your belt, the door will open many opportunities for you!

If you plan to study or work abroad

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to find out which institutions accept IELTS certificates in which countries and for what purposes!

Different types of IELTS exam

You can choose between two types once signing up for the exam: GENERAL or ACADEMIC.

Both will assess four different ability levels:

  • listening comprehension
  • reading comprehension
  • writing and composition
  • communication skills
IELTS language exam lets you to work and study in over 140 countries worldwide! TAKE A FREE ASSESSMENT!

What are the benefits?

  • one of the biggest advantages of taking an IELTS test over others is that you cannot fail it! Sounds great, right?
  • preparing for an IELTS exam will literally prepare you for real life situations, it doesn’t necessarily focus on grammar (only)
  • it shows your real English language knowledge level
  • you can see your knowledge level clearly in the four modules
  • there is no separate grammar test, but it does measure your grammar knowledge
  • there is an option to complete the test online, except the oral part of the exam
  • if you choose the computer-based exam, you will have your result in your hands within a few days after completing the exam
  • if you disagree with your result you may question your result and ask for a revision for each module
  • there is no waiting period between two exams, should you intend to take another one, hoping for better results

Prepare for IELTS

Before you start looking for the right teacher, now is the time to find out what level you are at! After filling in the requested information below ⬇⬇⬇ take the test and see your results immediately after submitting the answers.

One little tip: We highly recommend to use a stopwatch! Like many other exams, time limit is often a challenge, so try yourself!

IELTS knowledge assessment

Want to go abroad? Interested in useful advice, personal experiences? Contact our professional advisors and language teachers if you don’t want to be surprised! Surf the Continent Surfer page!

Get help from our professional consultants and language teachers, partners, so you can be as prepared as possible for your trip when the time comes and avoid any surprises!

England, Australia, New Zealand, America or Canada, or would you rather stay in Europe?

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