Continent Surfer | Learning a language abroad - what you need to know - Continent Surfer
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Learning a language abroad – what you need to know

Got a good job offer abroad but not sure about your language skills? Or you’re going abroad to study? Don’t worry, you can learn a language anywhere. Here’s what you need to know before.

written by: Reka Paulikovics – Continent Surfer

You can find a lot of language schools abroad, practically you any country you went to, you would surely find one! The world is your oyster. If you want to learn a language as a student, it’s a little easier, because there are plenty of places to learn a language. You can learn within the educational framework of colleges and universities, and language schools are open to everyone.

IF you want to learn a language online, our language teachers can help you! You can contact them here!


There are many to choose from: general courses to super-intensive, combined, language exam preparation, mini-groups, private tuition or specialised language programmes, university-to-university preparation courses. As for the adult courses, the teaching is normally very speech-oriented, but also includes grammar, reading and listening comprehension, pronunciation and intonation. Adult courses are open to students all year round, and are starting every week, so you can join on any Monday. Courses usually lasts from 2 weeks to as long as you like.

Courses can be grouped by intensity, group size or type

By intensity, they can be:

  • general language courses
  • Intensive language courses
  • combined intensive language course (super-intensive)

By group size:

  • standard group
  • small group
  • private lessons

By type, they can be:

  • general language course
  • vocational language courses
  • language exam preparation course
  • various language learning programmes
  • special language course

You can study in practically any country and choose any language you like, for sure you are sure to find a school that suits you. And in a native environment, it is easier to learn any language you desire to speak. Moreover, you get to know the culture and practice every day.

The decision

Before you make your decision, you should consider how much time you dedicate weekly and how quickly you want to achieve results. You may find a course where you can study two hours a day, or where you can study even six hours a day.

Another important factor is the size of the group, as you can take private lessons, but you can also study in a small or larger group. The former is much more expensive, practically twice or three times, but you can obviously choose when you are free and can go at your own pace.

You should also consider what you want to use the language for, as there are general and business courses, the latter being practically designed for the workplace. An important factor is the price of the course, which of course depends on the type of course. Language schools usually set weekly prices, there are no fixed prices within a given country or city, but there are no major differences in the fees charged. A general adult group course of 20 hours per week is €150-200 in England, $320-350 in the United States, and €180-200 in Malta.

But you can learn Spanish for around €200 in Havana or Barcelona, French in Paris or Montreal, Italian in Florence, or Chinese in Beijing. So, the key is to assess your needs and then your possibilities, define your goals, and then choose the right school and course for you.

If you want to learn a language online, our language teachers can help you! You can contact them here!

Did you know?

Humans Have Two Language Centers! When a person suffers damage to one of the areas, he or she may experience difficulty speaking or deciphering what others say. Language learning can boost the size and activity of different brain areas outside the typical centers.

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Original article: Nyelvtanulás külföldön Translated by: BOGI – CONTINENT SURFER

Middlebury Language School

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